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1000+ OBGYN Project Resources

Obstetrician – gynecologist training materials

Welcome to the

1000+ OBGYN Project
Curriculum Resource Distribution Initiative
Via The Global Library of Women’s Medicine

Now Available here – a vast range of learning resources

The resources now being made available on this USB Memory Stick represent the first stage in the program and cover a number of important topics – further resources will be added in subsequent distributions. Select the resources below that you wish to review:

  • 1. Building Academic Partnerships to Reduce Maternal Morbidity and Mortality

    • 1000+ OBGYN Project Publication, 2014

    • How to: read for background on the 1000+ OBGYN Project and its partners, agenda and mission

  • 2. Hypertensive Diseases in Pregnancy

    • This is a specialized ob-gyn course with written materials, video lectures and self-tests (with answers) developed by the 1000+ OBGYN Project in partnership with Elevate Health

    • How to: watch the lectures and read the written material, attempt the included assignments and then use the self-tests to evaluate your learning. These materials may also be integrated into curricula/lectures on hypertensive diseases, and the self-tests used/adapted for trainee evaluation by faculty

  • 3. Hot Topics in Obstetrics and Gynecology

    • This is a collection of Open Educational Resources (texts, guidelines and videos) on 12 topics prioritized/requested by 1000+ OBGYN Project partners (sub-Sahara African and American ob-gyns). This collection is a selection of resources on each topic, and not intended to be comprehensive. These are select resources we have permission to copy and distribute offline. Full collection found online (internet access needed):

    • How to: Browse the topics to find materials to suit your learning and teaching needs

  • 4. OBGYN Residency curriculum MILESTONE resources

    • This is a collection of supplemental Open Educational Resources mapped to 16 OBGYN residency competencies of the milestone framework from the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) for OBGYN. This collection is a selection of resources on each topic, and not intended to be comprehensive. These are select resources we have permission to copy and distribute offline. Full collection found online (internet access needed): 1000obgyns/coll-milestones

    • How to: Browse the topics to find materials to suit your learning and teaching needs

The 1000+ OBGYN Project is a consortium of Sub-Saharan African obstetric and gynecology (OBGYN) departments and their U.S. OBGYN department partners whose goal is to improve maternal and neonatal health in Sub-Saharan Africa through training and retraining obstetricians and gynecologists to serve their communities.

The Project

The 1000+ OBGYN Project has received generous grant funding from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the World Bank which allows us to partner with The Global Library of Women’s Medicine (GLOWM) to distribute USB Memory Sticks containing open-access obgyn resources for those with limited or no access to the internet, or low bandwidth. GLOWM has worked to compress the resources found on its website to make the files available on USB Memory Sticks.

The Purpose

This distribution initiative is designed to provide freely available, quality academic and instructional materials for obstetrics and gynecology trainers/professors, professionals and students to complement and enhance the ob-gyn curriculum, without the need for internet access or high bandwidth. The USB Memory Sticks can be shared with an unlimited number of faculties and students to download the materials, or be put onto shared faculty/student computers to distribute the materials simply and widely.

Training 1,000+ OBGYNs
in sub-Saharan Africa in the next 10 years