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Stampalija T, La Fauci L, Glob. libr. women's med.,
ISSN: 1756-2228; DOI 10.3843/GLOWM.419373

The Continuous Textbook of Women’s Medicine SeriesObstetrics Module

Volume 18

Ultrasound in obstetrics

Volume Editors: Professor Caterina M (Katia) Bilardo, Amsterdam UMC, Amsterdam and University of Groningen, Groningen, The Netherlands
Dr Valentina Tsibizova, PREIS International School, Florence, Italy


Principles of Doppler Velocimetry Applied to Maternal Fetal Medicine

First published: July 2024

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By completing 4 multiple-choice questions (randomly selected) after studying this chapter readers can qualify for Continuing Professional Development awards from FIGO plus a Study Completion Certificate from GLOWM
See end of chapter for details


Doppler velocimetry was introduced in obstetrics in 1977, and since then it has been used as a safe non-invasive technique that allows the assessment of maternal, placental and fetal vascular districts and circulation.1,2 It is used for diagnosis, monitoring and delivery timing of several pathological or high-risk obstetrical conditions such as fetal growth restriction,3 pre-eclampsia,4 twin pregnancies,5 fetal anemia6 and others. Its application has been shown to improve pregnancy outcome.7 Therefore, Doppler velocimetry plays a crucial role in everyday obstetrical practice for fetal well-being assessment, and diagnosis and management of obstetrics’ complications.

Considering its widespread availability and applications, it is important to understand the principles of Doppler velocimetry and to perform the examination in coherence with the correct methodology.

Herein, we describe the main Doppler velocimetry principles and the methodology for its execution.


In 1842, Christian Doppler first described the Doppler velocimetry and its operating principle.8 Doppler observed that there is a wave frequency change when there is a motion between the wave source and the observer. In case of Doppler velocimetry, a series of ultrasound pulses, produced by piezoelectric crystals, are transmitted from the ultrasound probe to detect the blood cells (erythrocytes) within the vessels. In case of a still stationary tissue, the time needed for the ultrasound beam to travel to the tissue and to return to the transducer will be the same (Figure 1a).


Representation of the principle of Doppler shift: (a) in the case of a non-moving object, the emitted ultrasound wave frequencies (f0) will be the same as the reflected ones (f1), f0 = f1; (b) in the case of a moving object toward the ultrasound probe, the reflected frequencies (f1) will be higher than the emitted ones, f0 < f1; (c) in the case of a moving object away from the ultrasound probe, the reflected frequencies (f1) will be lower than the emitted ones, (f0 > f1).

In the case of a moving object toward the transducer, the time to return is shorter and the frequency higher (Figure 1b and 2a), vice versa in case of a moving object away from the transducer, the return time is longer and the frequency lower (Figure 1c and 2b). These time differences, or wave frequency differences, can be measured and represent the so-called Doppler shift.9




Representation of the principle of Doppler shift.

The Doppler shift (Fs) depends on: the blood flow velocity (V); the emitted ultrasound frequency (Fe); the ultrasound velocity in the tissue (c) and the cosine of the angle of insonation (cos q, that is the angle between the direction of the ultrasound beam and the direction of the blood flow which is discussed further in this chapter). The ultrasound velocity in the human body is constant (c = 1540 m/s).

Fs = 2Fe (V*cosq/c)

There is a direct proportional correlation between the Doppler shift and the blood flow velocity. The Doppler shift can be processed by ultrasound machine software and displayed in several ways (color Doppler, spectral Doppler, and others).


There are different Doppler modalities: continuous and pulsed wave Doppler.

The continuous wave (CW) Doppler continuously transmits and receives sound waves. This allows the recording of much higher velocities that might be useful, for example, in cardiology for cardiac valve stenosis evaluation.4 This is possible due to the presence of distinct sets of piezoelectric crystals inside the ultrasound probe dedicated to a separate function, one for the transmission and one for the registration of the reflected ultrasound waves (Figure 3). It is not usually employed in obstetrics, because it is unable to determine the velocity location within the beam and it cannot be used to produce color flow images.


Representation of the principle of continuous and pulsed wave Doppler. In continuous wave Doppler the ultrasound waves are sent and analyzed continuously. In pulsed wave Doppler the ultrasound waves are emitted and analyzed in pulses.

In pulsed wave (PW) Doppler the ultrasound beam is released in pulses (Figure 3); thus, the transducer analyzes the reflected waves between the pulses making it possible to determine the distance between the reflector and the transducer. Contrary to continuous wave Doppler, the same piezoelectric crystal alternates rapidly between sending and analyzing the ultrasound waves. Since the same piezoelectric elements generate and receive sound waves, this limits the maximum velocity that can be measured. Pulsed wave Doppler is largely used in obstetrics, as it can determine the location of the measured velocities by placing the sample volume along the Doppler line. The sample volume can be modified in its size and position.


Pulse repetition frequency (PRF) indicates the number of ultrasound pulses emitted per second (frequency). It depends on the speed of sound (constant in the human body) and the distance that it must travel. Thus, a lower PRF (fewer ultrasound pulses per second) is required when the target is more distant (deeper), while the time required for the ultrasound beam to travel back is longer. Thus, lower PRF is needed for the visualization of deeper structures and will provide a lower resolution. However, high PRF (more ultrasound pulses per second) is required when the target is closer to the ultrasound probe, the time required for the ultrasound beam to travel back is shorter and it will provide a higher resolution.

In order to assess accurately the blood flow and the velocity, PRF should be sufficiently high.10 According to Nyquist-Shannon’s theorem,17 the ultrasound wave should be sampled at least twice per cycle, implying that the PRF for pulsed wave Doppler should be at least twice the Doppler shift. On the other hand, the Doppler shift depends on the flow velocity, thus, the maximum velocity that can be determined is half the PRF, value that represents the so-called Nyquist limit.


Aliasing is the phenomenon that occurs when the blood velocity exceeds the Nyquist limit, that means that the blood velocity is more than half of the PRF and the system cannot correctly determine the velocity and the direction of the flow (Figure 4). As a result, the blood flow with velocities above the Nyquist limit will be displayed on the opposite side of the baseline compared to the blood flow velocities below the Nyquist limit (Figure 4).


Representation of the principle of aliasing phenomenon.

When examining low velocities (i.e., venous flow), low PRF should be used: the longer interval between pulses allows better identification of slow flow. Aliasing will occur when low PRF is used to determine high velocity blood flow: in this case PRF should be increased.11 In some cases, it is sufficient to adjust the baseline in order to resolve the aliasing phenomenon (Figure 5) or to apply the automatic setting button present on many ultrasound machines.


Representation of (a) the aliasing phenomenon (PRF 3.3 kHz, white arrow); (b) the resolution of the aliasing by adjustment of the baseline (of note that the PRF is unchanged, 3.3 kHz, white arrow); and (c) the resolution of the aliasing by changing the PRF (5.5 kHz) and consequently the velocity scale. The same effect can be obtained by applying the automatic adjustment present on many ultrasound machines.


The component analysis of the reflected velocities can be represented with different color modalities, color and power Doppler.

The color Doppler (CD) is usually applied to identify vessels and the flow direction, and it is superimposed to B-mode gray scale image for easier interpretation. It allows an easy identification of vascular districts or vessels (or their anomalies), identification of regurgitation or stenosis (i.e., in case of cardiac valvular insufficiency or stenosis), identification of the correct angle in case of velocity measurement by pulsed wave Doppler, etc. For a determined color box sample, it displays the average of the velocities and not the maximum velocity. It represents an overall view of the flow within a color box sample, thus characterized by poor temporal resolution, particularly when the region of interest is deep. Conventionally, red color indicates a velocity flow toward the transducer, while the blue color indicates the velocity flow away from the transducer (Figure 6). The brighter the color, the higher the velocity. Turbulent flow indicates the presence of a large variation of velocities inside the color box sample.


Willis circulation at 16 weeks of gestation with the middle cerebral arteries with opposite flow, toward the probe (red) and away from the probe (blue). Of note the color scale in the upper corner.

Color Doppler is also limited by Nyquist limit and aliasing. Thus, in case of velocities that exceed the Nyquist limit, the blue color will turn into red and vice versa.

Color Doppler increases the total power emitted. The color box size should be reduced as much as possible for a better resolution. Next, PRF should be adjusted to study the blood flow velocity that will be correctly displayed on the monitor. As mentioned above, the gain balancing improves the image setting and prevents artifacts, and the insonation angle should be as close as possible to the longest axis of the vessel, that is as close as possible to 0, as discussed below.

Power Doppler (PD) ultrasound uses the amplitude of the reflected signal, rather than the frequencies, to detect the moving elements. It is determined by the amount of blood cells that are present in the sample volume. The advantage of the power Doppler is that it is more sensitive to lower velocity flow and less dependent on the insonation angle, but, contrary to color Doppler, it cannot display the flow direction or different velocities. It is characterized by a poor temporal resolution. The aliasing phenomenon is not an issue in case of power Doppler ultrasound; gain balancing prevents artifacts.4

In addition, there are new hybrid modalities of Doppler imaging display provided by different ultrasound machine manufacturers, that provide a “3D like” image of the examined vessel/circulation, allowing for a more dynamic perception of the laminar flow of the blood and a better definition of the vessel borders (Figure 7).


The umbilical cord represented with different color and power Doppler imaging.


The blood flow presents a laminar parabolic distribution with the highest velocity at the center of the vessel and the lowest velocities in the correspondence of the vessel walls (Figure 8).


Representation of a parabolic flow within a blood vessel.

Thus, the velocities within a cross-sectional area of a vessel are different. This is the reason why it is important to cover the whole vessel by the sample volume in order to sample all velocities. Another important characteristic of the human circulation is its pulsatile pattern: peaking during systole and reaching its nadir during diastole. These characteristics will result in different Doppler shifts that can be transformed and represented as spectral Doppler. Thus, the spectral Doppler is a graphical representation of different Doppler shifts in the sample volume over time (cardiac cycles) and it allows for velocity and indices calculations.

Different materno-placental-fetal districts present different patterns of spectral Doppler that can change over gestation and with pathological state.


Several indices of quantitative waveform measurement have been proposed. The most known are systolic/diastolic ratio (S/D), resistance index (RI) and pulsatility index (PI) (Figure 9). Low pulsatility or resistance index indicate low resistance blood flow and vice versa. Pulsatility index is preferable while it includes in the formula the mean velocity of the blood flow.


Representation of different patterns of spectral Doppler and the most common indices. S, systole; D, diastole.

The waveform indices and the velocities depend on several factors such as the heart rate, the pressure and contraction gradient, the viscosity of the blood, the elasticity of the vessel and the peripheral resistance.

The spectral Doppler can be also evaluated visually and provide qualitatively information such as an absence or inversion of the end-diastolic flow (i.e., important for umbilical artery and ductus venosus evaluation).

High amplitude low frequencies, deriving from tissue and/or vessel movements, can cause background “noise”. To eliminate this artifact, it is possible to use “filter” setting. The setting of the filter frequency can be regulated on the ultrasound machine and will determine the minimum velocities that are displayed. However, in some cases an excessive filter preset can hide important clinical information, such as inversion of the end diastolic flow, or can mimic an absence of end diastolic flow (Figure 10).


An example of excessive filter application that mimics absent end diastolic flow or that hides reverse end diastolic flow.


All Doppler evaluations are dependent on the angle of insonation, particularly when assessing absolute velocities, as for example in case of the measurement of peak systolic velocity in middle cerebral artery in the assessment of fetal anemia.4,6 Ideally the ultrasound beam should be aligned to the blood flow or tissue motion, with the angle of insonation (cos q) equal to 0 (Figure 11). In this case the cos 0° will be 1. For increasing values of angle of insonation, the cos q will be less than 1 and will result in velocity underestimation. For example, an insonation angle of 10° is equal to a 2% error in the velocity estimation, while an angle of 20° corresponds to an error of 6%.4 An angle of insonation close to 90° (cos 90° = 0) might result in the absence of color image if color Doppler is performed or unreliable velocity values if spectral Doppler is performed (Figure 11b). For small deviation of the angle of insonation, a post-processing adjustment can be performed. Measurements above 30° should be taken with caution, particularly when used for clinical management based on absolute velocities.


Illustration of the effect of the angle of insonation on color and spectral Doppler display.


The application of diagnostic ultrasound and Doppler seems to have no adverse effect on the embryo/fetus. However, safe practice should be maintained regarding the power output and use of Doppler ultrasound.

In 1998 the World Federation for Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology (WFUMB) statement on the safety of diagnostic ultrasound was published. In these recommendations, the default power of a thermal index should not exceed 0.7. Indeed, the thermal index represents the potential for tissue heating and it is set by default (although it can be adjusted by the operator) and it can be visualized on the screen.12 The WFUMB statements are not mandatory, but they are intended to educate and advise, especially during the embryogenesis since routine examination during the organogenesis period is considered not thoroughly studied at present.

The “ALARA” (As Low As Reasonably Achievable) principle assumes that power output should always be used adequately to perform the ultrasound. The sonographer should start with a low power output and increase it only if the examination requires it.13

B-mode has the lowest power intensity and output. Spectral Doppler and color Doppler have higher power outputs. Pulsed Doppler techniques usually implicate greater temporal average power and intensities than do B- or M-mode and have a greater heating potential. Thus, an attention should be given especially early in pregnancy.14


The ultrasound and Doppler velocimetry interrogation depends on operators’ appropriate training and experience.15 Inadequate machine settings may represent a source of pitfalls. Some principles are important for an adequate Doppler ultrasound performance as illustrated in Table 1.


Important principles for an adequate Doppler ultrasound performance.

Color Doppler

The area of interest should fill at least 50% of the screen

Set the frequency: high frequencies give better spatial resolution and flow sensitivity; low frequencies have better penetration

Obtain the best possible angle of insonation by probe orientation

Set the power and gain to obtain a good image of the flow and to minimize the surrounding signals and noise

Set the area of interest: smaller area will increase the frame rate and thus the resolution and vice versa

Set the focus at the region of interest

Set PRF: low PRF for low velocities and vice versa

Set the filter: high filter eliminates noise but also flow signal

Many of the parameters can be automatically set by choosing an appropriate machine pre-setting

Spectral Doppler

Vessels’ localization and blood flow direction identification is better performed by color flow mapping

Adjust the set power (according to ALARA principles) and gain

Adjust the sample volume to ensure the recording of all velocities during the entire pulse. Sometimes, other vessels interference may occur, so the gate can be reduced to refine the recording

Obtain the best possible angle of insonation by probe orientation (or in post-processing by angle insonation correction)

Perform the measurements with the B-mode and color Doppler image frozen, in order to increase the quality of the spectral Doppler image (avoid real-time duplex or triplex imaging)

Adjust velocity scale/PRF: low PRF for low velocities and vice versa

Adjust the sample size in order to sample the whole vessel. An excessive sample size will increase the surrounding noise. The sample size that is too small will not sample all velocities

Adjust the baseline: the sonogram should be free of aliasing and clearly seen

The waveforms should be consistent and similar, taken during the fetal rest

The measurements should be taken on at least 3–5 identical waveforms

If necessary, temporary maternal breath-holding

The correct position includes the Doppler display setting that should not be inverted (especially during fetal echocardiography)16

Many of the parameters can be automatically set by choosing an appropriate machine pre-setting


Doppler velocimetry allows the investigation of many maternal, placental and fetal districts. However, the investigation of clinical relevance is limited to some districts: uterine arteries on the maternal side, umbilical arteries on the placental side and middle cerebral artery and ductus venosus on the fetal side. Other districts have been proposed, but are still used mainly in research setting, such as umbilical vein and other districts.18 Doppler velocimetry is also used to perform fetal echocardiography. The significance of Doppler velocimetry in obstetrical pathological conditions is discussed in subsequent chapters.


Practice recommendations are shown in Table 1 above


The author(s) of this chapter declare that they have no interests that conflict with the contents of the chapter.



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