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Name: William T. Creasman, MD

Affiliation: J. Marion Sims Professor Dept of Obs-Gyn Medical University of South Carolina Charleston, SC

Chapters Contributed: Surgical Treatment of Endometrial Carcinoma

General Biographical Description: Dr. Creasman has served as the James Ingram Distinguished Professor of Gynecologic Oncology at Duke University Medical Center, Sims-Hester Professor and Chairman, Dept of Obst-Gyn, Medical University of SC and currently is the the J. Marion Sims Professor at MUSC. He has been very active in the field of gynecologic oncology being a founding member of the Gynecologic Oncology Group and has served in many capacities in the GOG. He is past sect-treas and president of the Society of Gynecology Oncology. He served for over 10 years as the chair of the gyn cancer committee of the International Federation of Obst Gyn (FIGO). He has been active in ACOG serving on many committees and was chair of the Prolog for gyn onc. He continues to be active locally in patient care, teaching and research and at the national and international level.

Special Interests: Gyn cancers, Involved in development of standard of care and conservation management of gyn cancers, Hormone replacement therapy post cancer

Contact Address: Dept. Obs-Gyn, Medical U of SC, Charleston, SC 29425, USA