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Contributors to the FIGO Human Rights and Women’s Health Project

Women's rights

The FIGO Human Rights and Women’s Health (HRWH) Project is the product of international collaboration among women’s health clinicians and educators, and human rights attorneys. The principal contributors to this project are listed below.

Lesley Regan (London, England) Professor and Head, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, St Mary’s Hospital, Imperial College. Dr Regan is an international expert in recurrent miscarriage and leader in international women’s healthcare. As Co-chair of the Women's Sexual and Reproductive Rights  (WSRR), she led the committee through the design and development of the HRWH project. As a champion of the project, she has given numerous presentations around the world about the importance of improving systems of care that reduce maternal mortality in developing countries as well as across the United Kingdom. (WSRR 2008 to date)

Diane Magrane (Philadelphia, United States) Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology and Executive Director of Drexel University’s International Center for Executive Leadership in Academics (ICELA at Drexel®). As President of the Association of Professors of Gynecology she led the developing of interdisciplinary competencies in women’s health; as a FIGO–WSRR Co-chair, she has led the design of the integrated elements of this educational project. (WSRR 2008 to date)

Right Board

Photo of Committee, London, 2012

FIGO's Women's Sexual and Reproductive Rights Committee members

Pio Ivan Gomez (Bogota, Columbia) Head Professor at the Faculty of Medicine in the National University of Colombia and Chair of the FLASOG Committee on Women’s Sexual and Reproductive (Federation of Latin American Societies of Obstetrics and Gynecology). Dr Gómez is an international expert in Sexual and Reproductive Health and will participate in the global dissemination of the project. (WSRR 2013 to date)

Pak Chung Ho (Hong Kong, China) Professor and Chair of Obstetrics and Gynecology and Associate Dean for Clinical Affairs, The University of Hong Kong and past president of AOFOG. Dr Ho brought his expertise in clinical education and reproductive medicine to the authorship and editing of the HRWH cases and competencies. (WSRR 2009 to date)

Adriana Lamackova (Slovakia) Legal advisor for Europe in the International Legal Program for the Center for Reproductive Rights. Ms Lamackova has been integral to the development and refining of the human rights references in the project, including the development of references and instructional guides. (WSRR 2011 to date)

Stephen Munjanja (Harare, Zimbabwe) Consultant Obstetrician, Harare Hospital, Senior Lecturer, Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of Zimbabwe and past chair of Zimbabwe Society of Ob and Gyn. Dr Munjanja has special interests in maternal healthcare systems and prevention of violence against women. As a core member of the FIGO WSRR committee developing the HRWH project, he is co-author of several of the case studies and has actively participated in development and editing of the competencies. (WSRR 2009 to date)

Christina Zampas is an international human rights lawyer, focusing on women's human rights. She has consulted for numerous UN agencies, including UNFPA and the World Health Organization as well as various foundations and non-governmental organizations. At the time that she joined the WSRR she directed the Europe Program at the Center for Reproductive Rights, where for 10 years she developed the Center’s law reform, litigation and training efforts in Europe. In 2014 she assumed the position of Senior Legal Adviser for Amnesty International, International Secretariat. (WSRR 2010 to date)

Jantine Jacobi (United Nations, Geneva, Switzerland). Chief of Gender Equality and Diversity at UNAIDS was appointed to the WSRR in 2013 and will participate in the global dissemination of the project. (WSRR 2013 to date)

Rights memebers meeting

Photo of Committee, London, 2013

Other contributors

Sabaratnam Arulkumaran (London, England) Professor of Obstetrians and Gynaecologists at St George’s, University of London and a past president of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists. As a newly inducted President of FIGO, Sir Alrukumaran participated in case editing and forged the relationship with David Bloomer to host the teaching tools on the website.

Danial Apter (Helsinki, Finland) Chief physician at Väestöliitto, Family Federation of Finland. Dr Apter worked with the committee to develop the approach of integrating women’s health learning objectives and women’s health rights. (WSRR 2009–2010)

Anibal Faundes (Sao Paulo, Brazil) Emeritus Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology, State University of Campina and former chair of the FIGO-WSRR. His life’s work is as an advocate for reducing unsafe abortion around the world, which includes his role as chair of the FIGO working group on prevention of unsafe abortion. As a core member of the FIGO WSRR committee developing the HRWH project, he is co-author of several of the case studies and has actively participated in development and editing of the competencies. (WSRR 2005–2012)

Kamini Rao (Bangalore, India) Medical Director of the Reproductive Medicine Clinic, Bangalore Assisted Conception Centre and former president of FOGSI. As chair of WSRR in 2008 when FIGO charged the committee, Dr. Rao opened the first discussions about how women’s health and human rights might be integrated, in 'the Rights Way'. (WSRR 2003–2008)

Dorothy Shaw (Vancouver, Canada) Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of Britsh Columbia and Vice President for Medical Affairs at BC Women’s Health Center. She is a former president of SOGC, the first chair of the WSRR, and first woman president of FIGO. As president of FIGO, Dr Shaw charged the WSRR committee with developing a curriculum in women’s health through a lens of human rights.

rights meeting

Professor Dorothy Shaw and some of the Commitee at work during the FIGO Congress in Rome, October 2012