An expert resource for medical professionals Provided FREE as a service to women’s health
The Alliance for Global Women’s Medicine A worldwide fellowship of health professionals working together to promote, advocate for and enhance the Welfare of Women everywhere
The Global Library of Women’s Medicine Clinical guidance and resources
A vast range of expert online resources. A FREE and entirely CHARITABLE site to support women’s healthcare professionals
The Global Academy of Women’s Medicine Teaching, research and Diplomates Association
Life: Emergency healthcare is expected independent of personal beliefs
Health: The system presents no substantial barriers to available, acceptable, accessible, high quality health, including preventive screening for disease and injury
Privacy: Consultation, examination and treatment are conducted in a manner that ensures privacy, including times when chaperones and other invited individuals are present
Confidentiality: Conversation and medical records are maintained by procedures that ensure confidentiality and released to third parties only through appropriate legal procedures
Autonomy and decision-making: Decisions about healthcare are acknowledged and respected. When children are receiving care, their interests are protected in a manner that ensures their best interests and capacity for decision-making
Information: Understandable and up to date information about test results and risks/benefits/alternatives of accepting and declining therapies are provided
Non-discrimination: Health-care services that respect one’s societal and cultural roles, religious practices, gender, and abilities are provided
Right to decide number and spacing of children: When seeking counseling about pregnancy, fertility, contraception, or abortion, information about risks, benefits, mechanisms of action and access to services for all methods available are provided
Freedom from inhumane and degrading treatment: Seeking treatment for results of physical, psychological and sexual violence and abuse feels safe and without risk of involuntary treatment or denial of treatment from your healthcare provider
Benefit from scientific progress: Your healthcare provider helped you incorporate current scientific information, your own healthcare beliefs, and knowledge of community resources into an acceptable healthcare plan
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