Module Content




Chronic Medical Conditions:  Hypertension                          

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Preconception Care


Besides educating patients about their condition and the risks associated, note the following:

  • Studies indicate1 that antihypertensive treatment for the duration of at least five years offers the greatest clinical benefit to women age 30-54 in preventing a cardiovascular event.

  • Women with HTN should be evaluated to rule out a potentially reversible condition (i.e. pheochromocytoma)

  • In addition, before conceiving women should be evaluated for end-organ damage in order to establish a baseline; the following can impact pregnancy outcomes or progress during pregnancy:

  • ventricular hypertrophy

  • retinopathy

  • renal disease

  • No studies have been done at this time to demonstrate the efficacy of specific preconception interventions related to chronic HTN.

    1. Management of chronic hypertension during pregnancy. Summary, evidence report/technology assessment, number 14. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality publication number 00E010 [Internet]. 2000 Aug [cited 2009 Jul 20]; Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Rockville, MD. Available from (Search for Management of Chronic Hypertension During Pregnancy)