Contraceptive Implant Procedures: Implanon®

Prepared for OBGYN residents
at the St. Paul Hospital Millennium Medical College,
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Table of Contents

text resource Learning Objectives

text resource Disclaimer

text resource Technical Requirements

text resource Background on Implanon®

text resource Patient Consultation

text resource Insertion Procedure

text resource Instructional Videos

text resource Removal Procedure

text resource Practice Questions

text resource Author and License Information


text resource Removal Procedure

Post removal care is similar to that of Jadelle

  1. Locate the implant by palpation and mark the distal end
  2. Apply iodine over the removal area
  3. Anaesthetize the arm with 1 ml lidocaine (1%) at the site of incision
  4. Make an incision of 2 mm in length in the longitudinal direction of the arm at the distal end of the implant.
  5. Gently push the implant towards the incision until the tip is visible.
  6. Grasp the implant with forceps (preferably 'mosquito' forceps) and remove it.
  7. If the implant is encapsulated, an incision into the tissue sheath should be made and the implant can then be removed with forceps
  8. If the tip of the implant is not visible, gently insert a forceps into the incision and grasp the implant.
  9. With a second forceps carefully dissect the tissue around the implant. The implant can then be removed.
  10. Close the incision with a butterfly closure.
  11. Apply sterile gauze with a pressure bandage to prevent bruising.


Key points about the removal procedure